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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Welcome... Again?!

Hey Guys!

Welcome :)  I'm glad your brief journey from the other site was made!  Take a seat!

I've been contemplating the move to Blogger/Blogspot for some time but I'd been dreading the move.  But I thought the launch of part 6 of the Awakenings series would be a good changeover point and so the change is made.

As you've probably noticed, the header of this site is different - it says Lillian B. and NOT Lillian Bendover.

There are a few reasons for this:

1) I wanted to remain as classy as possible.  My full name does not  line up with what my writing (though still naughty :)) has panned out to be.

2)Though I don't care what people think about the things between the pages of what I write, my name in its entirety, immediately stops most folks, who would probably get off on what I write from even considering my books.  Puns intended.

So I shortened it to Lillian B. - this will hopefully get me into more doors and into more folks' hands.  Only time will tell.

Of course this will cause all kinds of re-branding nightmares for me - as over the coming weeks, I will be redoing all of my covers.  Yes, all 13 of them.  The inner parts will remain the same, with my full name appearing between the pages.

What does this mean for you Guys - probably not much of an inconvenience?!  Or maybe just a small change to get used to?

I'd be curious actually to know what you guys think of this change. Leave me a comment below with your thoughts!

I'll post more once I get through all of these cover changes done - hang in there with me guys - I have some discounts coming your way by weeks end!

Love You, Mean It!

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