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Friday, August 23, 2013

Her Broken Spirit: Awakenings Part 8! #FF #Erotica #IAN1

Hey Guys!

As promised Her Broken Spirit: Awakenings Part 8 is here and TODAY is that day!


After a wild night of clubbing and a one night stand, June finds herself reflecting on her life and what it is she is doing with it, when a phone call from her estranged parents threatens to test her limits of love and family.

Determined to get back to her old self, Holly takes to her new work-out routine and discovers the woman in herself that she had lost. Allowing her ego to take the reigns, she keeps June at a far distance until their two worlds collide in a moment of need and humanity.

This is the eighth part of the "Awakenings" series by lesbian erotica author, Lillian Bendover, and is 5900 words long.

Warning: Explicit Butch/Femme sex


Standing in the door frame, She glanced at her physique in the bathroom’s full length mirror, her nostrils flared from exertion. This was the Holly she had hoped would have shown up that night when June was there.  Her belly flattening from her new work out routine, her arms gaining definition, her jaw set with new motivation. She felt exhilaration at how her body remembered how to obey and come back under her command. This was the Holly she knew no woman had been able to resist. But there was something else looking back at her in the mirror too - a coldness she hadn’t recognized before.

Holly stared at her red, roughed up palms, clenching and opening her fists to bring them back to normalcy. A memory of cupping June’s warm soft breasts flashed in her mind in that moment, making the small of her belly flutter. She groaned, tipping her head back as she ran her thumb inside the waist band of her sweats.


Scrumptious no?!

Enjoy Guys!  I am off to begin writing Part 9!  And we will bring this series to its end with Part 10!

Tweet, Share - spread the word!

Love You, Mean It!

Friday, August 9, 2013

It's Been A Little While Guys... Catching Up with Lillian Bendover - Your F/F Eroticist with the Mostest!

Hey Guys,

Summer is wrapping up and I have so much left to write!

Lots of personal things going on (feels like always) but I am trying to get back on track.

I hope to have Awakenings Part 8 out to you within two - two and a half weeks and then things should be pretty steady from there on out.  My schedule and home life will be substantially less chaotic by then and this new writing method I've implemented will also help me.

I am both looking forward to and dreading (?) the end of the Awakening Series.  I've learned a lot about myself, my writing and about being a lesbian erotica writer with it but I am also ready for it to end. lol!

There are some really sexy stand alone stories that I have all planned out!  Totally excited about this.  My intention it to publish like I had been around this time last year - every two weeks.  And with the Awakening Series coming to its end, I will be freed up to explore/write other story ideas.  Awesomeness for me and you Guys!

I also have a mind to make some freebies available.  So be sure to sign up for my Quick & Dirty Newsletter to keep abreast of that.

Daddy-Oh! seems to be the Queen of the Bunch - be sure to check it out!

And if you're looking for something along the same vein, consider Another Man's Treasure, Parts 1 & 2

For all my new followers a hearty Welcome!

Remember my other books can be found at the following eBook sellers:


You can also Like me on Facebook and Follow me on Twitter @LillianBendover

Till then that is it Guys - I'll check in when Part 8 is closer to completion!

Love You, Mean It!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Today's THAT Day - Her Damaged Convictions: Awakenings, Part 7 is LIVE!!!

Hey Guys!

As promised - Her Damaged Convictions: Awakenings, Part 7 is LIVE:


I'll be back in a week or so to let you know when I expect part 8 to be done.

There is an end to the saucy series, I promise!  I will be stopping at part 10, for those who are curious :)

In the mean time, enjoy this installment and spread the word!

Love You, Mean It,